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HomePersonal FinanceTips and Tricks: How to build your savings

Tips and Tricks: How to build your savings

New year just knocking the door and we all ready to give a red carpet reception for the new sun. Why not give some time to think about our next saving plan from the beginning of New Year. It is very true that we all should have a saving for our any of sudden reason when you will not see any one around you to save from that situation. So set your mind that no matter what you have to increase your savings at coming year.

There are many simple ways to save money without even lifting a finger and today we are trying to discus some of those easy steps to make your savings became more comfortable to improve your financial strength. Let’s start from our home…

Utility Bills: Cut off your utility bills by using low voltage electronics and keep your one eye to set control for use of gas. Find better deal for gas to minimize your cost. Your observation and control over utility will save your money every month.

Food: You can save money from cut your food cost.  It does not mean that you should not eat as of your need, its mean cook or buy that much food you actually need without doing any wastage. It’s better if you make an everyday meal plan.

Expensive habits: Try to give up expensive habits like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs etc because all of those habits takes your valuable money from you but in return gives nothing. Give your full strength to kick the habits and stay money in your pocket.

Make list: Make a list when you go for grocery shopping. Without a list you will buy items that you simply do not need. Even worse is when you forget to purchase the actual item you came to the store for in the first place. It can save your money by avoiding unnecessary buying.

Take a lodger: You can take a lodger. May be you have one of your room unused and take a lodger for that room will add some extra money at your savings.

Avoid ATM fees: Aware about your ATM withdrawal fee that your bank charges on you. Very few waive fee on any ATM machine but most of don’t. So use only that ATM machine where your bank will not charge or withdraw direct from bank.

Maintain fixed rate account: If you currently have some money now and want to put somewhere safe. You can choose fixed account to put your money because the interest rate is higher than other regular savings account. It’s a periodical account which normally three month to five years.

Save regular basis:  Try to save a small amount of money every month. The main point is that you save what you can afford and eventually you will reap the benefits. If you can save $100 every month will give you $1200 at the end of year.

Finally, make it a sub-conscious habit to save money in things that you do every day, even if it is a few dollars. All that money saved can add up significantly and you can save it or spend it on things that really matter!

Muzahed I.
Muzahed I.
I am Muzahedul Islam. Executive Editor of Reach me out for writing opportunities on this website.
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