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HomeBusinessBest Leadership Hacks to help your Small Business get going

Best Leadership Hacks to help your Small Business get going

Behind every successful business lies a team of motivated and eclectic employees. So be it a game of NFL, baseball or a business, every team ought to have a leader, who can bring out the best of his team members. This is the reason why leadership turns out to be the most prominent aspects for a business especially in a small business setting, wherein employees often turn up to business owners for supervision and guidance on a regular basis.

Though every business functions in a distinct manner, leadership principles remain universal with all irrespective of the industry and its code of conducts. Here are some cool and useful leadership advices to help your small business skyrocket in time.

  • Got a plan, stick to it

Leadership is all about guiding and steering your resources to get the most out of them. It acts as a ray of hope in times of darkness. This is why it is recommended to keep handy a well-defined plan right from day one. It is equally important to share your plans with the employees to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Clearly defined roles, responsibilities and objectives with steadfast guidance from your end is the key to long-term success.

  • Be proactive and accessible

A good leader is the one, who makes himself accessible to his subordinates every time. Whilst this is crucial for a large-scale business that has several departments, one cannot deny its essence in a small business setting as well. In fact, there are multitudes of channels that an employee can use to reach his leader in today’s times, be it through emails, social media channels or a simple text message. Irrespective of the channel, the key is to be responsive. Let your personnel know that any topic ranging from personal problems to anything pertaining to company’s betterment are gladly welcomed.

  • Listen

A good leader is also a good listener. He also should be a good communicator. Nevertheless, it doesn’t have to be limited to listening only, instead make sure that the discussions are engaging. Simply put, communications ought to be two-ways. So the next time you are in a meeting with your workforce, ensure that the meeting doesn’t end up with your employees listening and you being the only one who was talking.

  • Develop relationships

Look out for ways to fortify your relationships with your people, which includes your customers, clients, employees and everyone who is connected to your business.

The secret to building robust relationships is all about being constructive, rational, consistent, transparent, decisive and attentive. Remember, all these boil down to trust. Every business leader or manager aspires for team players, but unfortunately, in the race, many leaders tend to overlook the importance of themselves being active members of the team.

It is not only crucial for your employees to develop trust among themselves, but it is also important for your employees to have full trust in you as their leader.

  • Hone your people

Don’t fall for any random piece of technology or software that claims to simplify processes for your business. Instead, invest attention, time and money in your workforce. Help them hone their skills and talents to the fullest. Remember your employees are the face of your business, who meet, greet and service your customers. Thus, without a dedicated workforce, your new tech wizard or software will be of no use.

  • Set the right tone, be an example

Yes, a leader’s foremost responsibility is to set the perfect tone and work culture in his company. To put it straight, an attentive and thoughtful leader can empower the entire organization. So ensure to set examples of collaboration, openness and trust. Your focus ought to be on fostering a positive culture within the organization rather than backstabbing and blame-games.

A leader can blow up thousands of dollars in consultation and expert advices to shape up a culture for your organization, but it will still bounce back to his approach.

For instance, if you as a leader stay motivated and are content with your responsibility, then others will follow suit. On the contrary, if you are exhausted and burnt-out, that negative energy will invade the entire organization. Therefore, a business manager or owner of a small business ought to ensure that he shapes up his roles and organization in a way to keep the excitement and energy burning. Putting yourself at the last will do no good.

  • Strive for excellence

What do successful business owners, managers, leaders and visionaries have in common? Great leaders strive for excellence and they always believe in setting the bar a bit higher and never settle for anything less than that. This is what sets apart great and true leaders from the herd.


Though the path to success is always daunting and also, it is quite challenging to bring out the best every time, but remember that success is a result of putting in earnest and consistent efforts towards team’s building, unity and having unending cravings for excellence.

Great leaders always believe in going that extra mile when it comes to pursuing excellence.

About Author:

Anwar Shaikh is a creative cum technical writer focusing on cloud computing, business intelligence, SMAC, CRM, ERP and human resource technologies. A self-made reared-up writer and poetic soul, Anwar is a wannabe Cloud evangelist with great penchant for Digital Marketing and leadership skills. He writes for Sage Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., a leading provider of budget and user-friendly enterprise management solutions to small and mid-sized businesses in India.

You can find more about Anwar LinkedIn | Twitter | Google+  | Facebook

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Muzahed I.
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