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HomeCareerThings to consider before taking accepting a offer letter

Things to consider before taking accepting a offer letter

Most people consider cracking an interview is the final frontier to overcome in the quest of securing a new job. However, the truth is that an offer letter is just an indication that the company deems you fit for the job. Deciding whether the job is right for you is a task that still requires you to apply your mind and reasoning. 

So you cracked the interview and now the job offer letter is in your mail box awaiting your acknowledgement. The occasion certainly calls for a celebration or does it yet? Receiving a job offer is indeed a gratifying experience. All your efforts of going to the interview venue, waiting for your turn to be interviewed and then facing the volley of questions finally pays off. It is more of an approval of the way you presented yourself on that day that led the employer to believe that you are the right person for the job.  However, the reverse is not always true. Telling that a job is right for you is a dicey task, something that comes only with ample experience and extensive thought process.  If you are feeling a bit apprehensive about that new job, here are few ways to let you decipher whether the new responsibility is worth your time and efforts. Judging the offer on these parameters will give you a clear picture whether the job is made for you or you are better off without it.

  • What do you stand to gain?

Finding a perfect package deal is a luxury that only some of us have and that too if there is strong academic background or professional experience backing us. Still, if you are not satisfied with the compensation or the incentives provided by the company are less than what you deserve; it makes for a good reason to renegotiate with the HR. Also, some of the benefits like medical insurance and paid vacations are company-specific i.e only some companies are generous enough to facilitate their employees with these goodies. If your offer letter mentions these than it is a sign that the company cares for its employee’s well being and appreciates the time and dedication put in by the employee.

  • Commuting time

You surely do not want to spend 8 hours in the office and another 4 hours commuting to and from your office and home. Therefore, a job near your home even if it pays you a little less is still better than a job far away from your place paying a little extra. Consider the savings you will be making in the form of petrol, (if you have your own vehicle) or money (if travelling by public transport) and of course precious time, which will more than compensate for the less salary.

  • Opportunity to learn something new

Some of the more enterprising individuals would put this on the top of their priority while accepting a new job. Opportunity to learn new things and developing new insights is what life is all about. Therefore, if your new job deals with a territory that you are unfamiliar with, don’t let that turn you away from it. A challenging job that pushes your limits and makes you try new things is what you should be looking for.

  • Consistent schedule and pay

Everybody works to earn a living since everyone has bills to pay and in fact, that is the basic point of working for someone else. If your company fails to support your lifestyle and fails to provide you with the financial assistance when needed then there is no point in continuing that job. Therefore, before accepting the new offer make sure with the HR about the salary cycle of that organization. Timing is another important parameter against which you should measure the viability of your new job. Flexi timings are always a big plus over fixed time check ins and check outs.  A fixed schedule also provides you with much more flexibility to plan your personal vacations and get-away in advance.

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Muzahed I.
Muzahed I.
I am Muzahedul Islam. Executive Editor of Reach me out for writing opportunities on this website.
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