As most informed individuals realize, one of the major aims of many firms’ product packaging design is usually to spark a pleasant curiosity in their target market; they aim to do so in a way that will convince their potential customer into giving their commodities a try. It’s really as simple as that. The basis of this process is known as ‘what’s in it for me?’, which means that the potential customer is always looking for what they will gain by purchasing the product.
However getting the right balance on packaging is not a simple affair, and it necessitates a lot of attention to detail and effective application. It can also be a very long, and very complex process. Designers spend time in not only the timeless depiction of the unmatched appeal that a product offers, but at the same time also provoking the right emotions in your customers.
Consequently, many companies go to great lengths to achieve this effect, and usually carry out in-depth studies of the universally accepted trends that crop up in their respective industries.
Some of the classical packaging designs that will never get old include:
The timeless coke bottle design
The timeless coke bottle design is probably the most famous design on our list, and with good reason, it stands barely changed after some 60 plus years.
Some of the most visually-striking and immensely popular packing designs happen to be those of glass, and most of these firms integrate innovative and simplistic elements that have made them a favourite amongst consumers. Taking a case study of the ubiquitous and timeless coke bottle, that has over many years set the pace in the packaging of most beverages. While also representing the height of sophistication, and simplistic elegance that can be recognized in the range of coca cola’s products. This packaging design is, naturally guaranteed to be hugely successful for a very long time, if human nature doesn’t change.
Whilst featured on our list, Mcdonald’s may not be remembered for the right reasons. Instead it may forever be associated with copious amounts of litter and unwanted weight gain.
Innocent has over the years proven to be a highly creative firm that specialises in selling organic drinks that incorporate a unique and refreshing packaging design. The packaging invariably uses interesting elements that are founded on distinct patterns, and neutral colour schemes that are invaluable in enhancing their brand awareness.
J20 relies heavily on their products packaging design simplicity, unlike most of their rivals. They must be bright enough to stand out from amongst a crowded bar fridge, whilst representing their healthy (but trendy) brand image. Their success can in some way be attributed to the distinct and well-branded bottles.
This brand has come to be recognized with the original classic packaging designs they use, and which has never failed to make a lasting impression on their customers. Whilst their target market is young males, its design is surprisingly traditional.
Whatever, the packaging design you implement, it can be wise to enlist the assistance of a competent design firm, which can ensure that you make the most of your product’s allure.
Heinz Tomato Sauce
The Heinz tomato sauce bottle deserves to be on this list for retaining its design even when it moved from glass to plastic. The design itself is approaching 70 years!
Heinz Baked Beans
The Heinz baked bean tin is another product from Heinz that has barely seen any change in all of its years. They were however spurred into action when Branston Beans came on the market; Heinz reacted with introducing ring pulls for their lids.
Featured image License All rights reserved by David Sebben