An Australian recruiter has come up with a job search tool that will be used by both job seekers and employers to make the job search process easier. Most people lose hope of finding a job after months of unfruitful efforts to find one. Even after using various approaches such as delivering their resumes to companies that are hiring and sending their applications online, they still get regret letters or worse, they do not get any feedback at all. Employers on the other hand find it difficult to find suitable candidates to fill vacant positions in their companies. They either find candidates that are under qualified, overqualified or simply incompetent.
Theleading online recruiter which helps job seekers to save time and energy of having to look through heaps of jobs advertised on job boards posted by most of the recruitment agencies. Some agencies have poor cataloguing skills and the jobs that one is qualified for may be too far down the list. This makes searching for a job through these agencies a daunting task. The next generation job search tool makes it easy for the job seeker to find jobs by collecting all the jobs and vacancies from an employer’s website and organizing them onto a single website. Employers will get have their jobs listed on the website regardless of whether they are from volunteer organizations, non-profit organizations, public sector or private sector. By using the services of the nexte generation tool, the job seeker stands to gain a lot. For instance, they will save on time. Instead of having to go through a number of recruitment agencies’ websites looking for a job that matches their specific skills and qualifications, they can go through the thousands of job listings on Apply Direct single website.
Job seekers will be able to eliminate the trouble of having to deal with recruitment agents. This is because they will be able to apply for the job vacancies directly to the employer rather than to a recruitment agency that will in turn forward their applications. Job seekers will get to chose from a wider variety of employment opportunities because they will get a chance to apply to job opportunities that were otherwise not available to the open market. Many employers get frustrated because they find that many job seekers are not aware of vacancies in their organization or they are not even aware that their organization exists. Through online recruitement, they are able to get much needed exposure and will get many applications from candidates interested in their job vacancies.
You can check Apply Direct, which currently has hundreds of job listings from reputable companies divided into a number of categories. It is expected that employers will continue to post more job vacancies such as retail jobs, which will be to the advantage of job seekers. In summary, the next generation job search tool closes the gap between the employer and the job seeker thus making it a less frustrating experience for both parties.
Annie Dodson is a HR manager and blogger with experience in Outsourcing and Online Recruitment. Currently, she is contributing to the marketing department at Apply Direct.