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HomeBusinessWhat Can Print Management do For Your Business

What Can Print Management do For Your Business

Nowadays, small and big companies alike take advantage of computers in their daily business operations. Computers are used for many things like creating documents, presentations and keeping data rich databases to name a few.

The documents stored in a computer oftentimes need to be printed. An average company prints around a hundred documents in just one day. Printing takes a major cut of the day to day expenses of running a company. Therefore, focus should be given on saving as much money and recourses from printing as possible by making rational choices. This is where print management comes in.

Let’s take a look at the advantages print management can offer your business:

Reduces printing costs

By incorporating the use of print management software, companies are able to lower down their expenses on printing materials and reduce copying costs. The main objective of acquiring this software is to combine different tasks under the control of single command software. Thus, there is no need to invest a huge amount of money on printers, papers and ink. The number of printers used, the amount of paper and ink used are evenly distributed for daily use. Money saved on printing can have a big impact on the overall operational costs of a company.

Assured security

Print management assures data security. In certain cases, individuals are given a pin or a special user name in order to print their documents. This is applicable to printing confidential documents, as proper authentication is needed before confidential documents are printed.

Overall control

Print management software allows for monitoring and control of the number of documents printed every day. Companies are able to manage printing tasks, logs, as well as quotes. An audit that aims to rationale the use of ink, paper and number of printed copies is also provided after a certain period of time. This aspect creates a problem-free environment, as well as one which promotes efficient productivity.

There are also some hidden costs associated with maintaining the printing process in a company. These costs are cut down with the use of print management software. All the materials and expenses are managed effectively with the use of single software, thus you have the ability to really track down expenses well.

Improves employee productivity

Manual printing process may sometimes use up a huge amount of time otherwise spent on more productive activities like focusing on the core tasks of a company. With the help of a print management system, employees can focus on their work well, not only increasing the overall productivity, but also enhancing the quality of their work.


Job Accounting

This feature is also called tracking and reporting. This is the main option that allows registration for all copy, print and scans tasks. This serves as the basis for setting up limitations and rules, including the direct payment options and a billing feature.

Push Printing

In this feature, the PC of the user sends the job to the main server, and there it is registered and directed to the relevant printer.

Pull Printing

This is the common method where the user presses the ‘print’ option and the task will go to the printer and authenticates the process before printing.

The above mentioned advantages and features show that print management is relevant in making sure that your business operates the way it should, while at the same time rationalizing the amount of resources used.

 Image courtesy of Stuart /

Muzahed I.
Muzahed I.
I am Muzahedul Islam. Executive Editor of Reach me out for writing opportunities on this website.
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